The Oglander Fellowship at University of Oxford

March 13, 2024

Job Description

The College invites applications for this post, which is tenable for a fixed period of one year from 1 October 2024, and based in New College, Oxford. The person appointed will be expected to undertake their own independent and original academic research in mathematical, physical, engineering, or life sciences. The Fellowship is open to those who have already acquired a first degree and a doctorate. Applications are particularly welcomed from black and minority ethnic researchers. New College hopes that encouraging applications from black and minority ethnic researchers to apply for this Fellowship may support those from ethnically diverse backgrounds to develop their academic careers. This positive action aims to tackle the disproportionately low representation of BME researchers in UK academia.

The Fellowship carries a stipend of £26,323 p.a. (subject to review). The appointment will be pensionable under the USS scheme, details of which are available here:

The Fellow is entitled to a housing allowance (currently £2,506 p.a.) or to free accommodation in College if suitable rooms are available[1]. Fellows are also entitled to free lunch and dinner at the common table when this is available. In addition, the fellow will be entitled to use a research and teaching account (£1,675 p.a.), and an entertainment account of £280 p.a.

The appointment will be for a fixed period of one year without possibility of renewal. 

Further particulars are available by clicking the ‘Apply’ button above or available from the Academic Registrar ( The closing date for receipt of applications is 11.59pm on 8th April 2024.

All enquiries should be in the first instance addressed to the Academic Registrar at  

New College is committed to increasing diversity across all parts of the institution and to welcoming under-represented groups. It aims to provide an inclusive environment which promotes equality and maintains a working, learning, and social context in which the rights and dignity of all its members are respected to assist them in reaching their full potential. The College is an equal opportunities employer, and adheres to the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy and Code of Practice, a copy of which is available on request.

[1] Employer-provided residential accommodation is subject to taxation as a benefit-in-kind for the ‘services’ involved, for any payment of Community Charge, and on the ‘value’ of the property. The total amount varies somewhat between different flats across College and the Home Bursar or Accountant can give you a guide as to the amount of tax you will face in any particular unit – in all cases, given the age of the College buildings and assuming JRFs are at a 20% marginal rate of taxation, the total is not likely to exceed £1000-1500 per annum. Please note that, if the HMRC change the taxation rules again (as done recently), College does not compensate employees for any increased level of tax.
