Visiting Research Fellowship in the Creative Arts for 2024-25 at University of Oxford

Job Description

Merton College Oxford invites applications for a Visiting Research Fellowship in the Creative Arts for 2024-25. Applications are invited in any area of Book Arts (including illustration, graphic design, fine printing, dust-jacket art, binding, and such genres as the graphic novel, photographic book, and the artist’s book).

The College will provide meals and accommodation and a stipend of up to £2,203.67 per month, with additional provision for expenses involving research, travel, and materials up to a maximum of £317 per month.

The Fellowship can be held for any period between two months and one year, the timescale being determined by the needs of the proposed project.

The principal goal of this scheme is to create synergies between the creative arts and academia and promote the College as a centre for artistic research and innovation. The holder of the Fellowship, which is open both to early-career and established candidates, will be expected to undertake a sustained period of intensive work in their field while also participating fully in College life and exploring ways to communicate their work to all members of the College community: fellows, staff, students, and alumni.

Further details on this Fellowship may be found in the Further Particulars on our website

Those wishing to apply for this post should complete the online application on the college website and upload the following documents as a single pdf document by noon on Friday 23rd February 2024:

  • A curriculum vitae;
  • A plan of the work that they intend to carry out during the fellowship;
  • A description of how they intend to engage the College community with their work. This might include details of screenings, workshops, public lectures, etc.; and
  • Details of any pre-existing contractual agreements for performances, exhibitions, productions or publications.

Applicants should also upload a selective portfolio illustrative of their work in Book Arts (which might include, for example, photographs of previous or current work or links to relevant websites).

Please contact with any queries regarding the application process or upload of the portfolio.

Applicants should provide the names of two referees who should write by the closing date to the HR Team at Candidates are responsible for requesting references from their referees and for ensuring that references arrive on time.

Merton College is an equal opportunities employer.

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