Health, Safety & Environmental Manager at Gower College Swansea

February 27, 2024

Job Description

Gower College Swansea is one of the largest colleges in Wales with a strong reputation for high quality teaching and learning. We have six campuses across the city with over 4,500 full time learners 

About us:

Gower College Swansea is one of the largest colleges in Wales with a strong reputation for high quality teaching and learning. We have six campuses across the city with over 4,500 full time learners and 10,000 part time learners.  We currently have a turnover of over £50 million making us a major employer in the region with approximately 1,000 staff.

At Gower College Swansea we are passionate about investing in our staff and looking after their wellbeing to ensure they feel supported in work and also at home.

The role:

To establish, document, implement, maintain and continually improve the College’s Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management systems, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of staff, students, visitors and contractors and protect the environment.

  • Full Time (37 hours per week)
  • Permanent
  • £49,256 – £52,374 per annum
  • Across all campuses

Key Responsibilities:

  • Ensure that Gower College Swansea complies with all relevant current HSE legislation; approved codes of practice; and guidance, across all departments
  • Manage the College’s Health, Safety and Environment Team.
  • Work proactively with Learning Area managers and Functional Support managers to establish and maintain a system that promotes a culture of safe working practices and increases awareness of environmental and sustainability issues across the College.
  • Identify HSE training needs across the organisation, and develop and deliver training as required.
  • Monitor, evaluate and review HSE policies and practices, and develop and implement new policies and procedures as required.

About you:

  • NEBOSH Diploma (or level 6 equivalent), or Health & Safety Degree.
  • Chartered membership of IOSH or working towards chartered membership
  • Previous experience of working within HS&E role
  • Strong knowledge of the health and safety and environmental legislative frameworks
  • Experience of managing people and promoting change.

Benefits for you:

  • 37 days annual leave, plus bank holidays, and the college is closed for two weeks over the Christmas period
  • A Local Government Pension Scheme with an average employer contribution of 21% (2023)
  • 2 staff well-being days
  • Discounted Sport Centre gym membership for £60 per year
  • View more benefits here:

We welcome applications from individuals regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief. We particularly welcome applications from groups currently underrepresented within our organisation.

If you wish to continue your application journey using Welsh Language, please visit our Cymraeg site. We encourage Welsh Language applications as we recognise the importance of delivering services in Welsh, and the need to grow our bilingual workforce.

Gower College Swansea is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. Appointments are subject to an enhanced DBS check and require registration with the Education Workforce Council for Wales.

Please note that we are expecting a high volume of applicants for this vacancy. If we do, we may close the post before the specified date, therefore an early application is recommended.


Attachments: HealthSafetyandEnvironment…

For further information about the role please visit the vacancies section of our website via the apply link.


Rheolwr Iechyd, Diogelwch ac Amgylchedd

Amdanom ni:

Coleg Gwyr Abertawe yw un o golegau mwyaf Cymru ac mae gennym enw da iawn am addysgu a dysgu o ansawdd uchel. Mae gennym chwe champws ledled y ddinas a dros 4,500 o ddysgwyr amser llawn a 10,000 o ddysgwyr rhan-amser. Ar hyn o bryd, mae gennym drosiant o £50 miliwn, sy’n golygu ein bod yn gyflogwr sylweddol yn y rhanbarth. Rydym yn cyflogi tua 1,000 o staff.

Yng Ngholeg Gwyr Abertawe, rydym yn angerddol am fuddsoddi yn ein staff a gofalu am eu lles, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn derbyn cefnogaeth yn y gwaith a gartref.

Y rôl:

Sefydlu, nodi, gweithredu, cynnal a gwella systemau rheoli Iechyd, Diogelwch ac Amgylchedd (IDA) y Coleg yn barhaus i sicrhau iechyd, diogelwch a lles staff, myfyrwyr, ymwelwyr a chontractwyr a diogelu’r amgylchedd

  • Amser-Llawn (37 awr yr wythnos)
  • Parhaol
  • £49,256 – £52,374 y flwyddyn
  • Ledled Campysau’r Coleg

Cyfrifoldebau Allweddol:

  • Sicrhau bod holl adrannau Coleg Gwyr Abertawe yn cydymffurfio â deddfwriaethau Iechyd a Diogelwch cyfredol; codau ymarfer cymeradwy a chanllawiau eraill.
  • Rheoli Tîm Iechyd, Diogelwch ac Amgylchedd y Coleg.
  • Gweithio’n rhagweithiol gyda rheolwyr Maes Dysgu a rheolwyr Cymorth Gweithredol i sefydlu a chynnal system sy’n hyrwyddo diwylliant o arferion gweithio diogel, gan godi ymwybyddiaeth o faterion amgylcheddol a chynaliadwyedd ar draws y Coleg.
  • Nodi anghenion IDA ar draws y sefydliad a datblygu a darparu hyfforddiant yn ôl yr angen.
  • Monitro, gwerthuso ac adolygu polisïau ac arferion IDA, gan ddatblygu a gweithredu polisïau a gweithdrefnau newydd yn ôl yr angen.

Amdanoch chi:

  • Diploma NEBOSH (neu gymhwyster Lefel 6 cyfwerth), neu radd mewn Iechyd a Diogelwch.
  • Aelodaeth siartredig o IOSH neu barodrwydd i sicrhau aelodaeth gyda sefydliad siartredig.
  • Profiad flaenorol o weithio mewn rôl IDA
  • Dealltwriaeth dda o fframweithiau iechyd, diogelwch ac amgylchedd.
  • Profiad o reoli pobl a hybu newid.


  • 28 diwrnod o wyliau blynyddol ynghyd, a gwyliau banc, hefyd, mae’r Coleg ar gau am bythefnos dros gyfnod y Nadolig
  • Cynllun Pensiwn Llywodraeth Leol a chyfraniad cyflogwr o 21% ar gyfartaledd (2023)
  • 2 ddiwrnod lles i staff
  • Disgownt ar gyfer aelodaeth Campfa Chwaraeon – £60 y flwyddyn

Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau gan unigolion, waeth beth fo’u hoedran, rhyw, ethnigrwydd, anabledd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, hunaniaeth rhywedd, cefndir economaidd-gymdeithasol, crefydd a/neu gred. Rydym yn croesawu’n arbennig ceisiadau gan grwpiau nad ydynt wedi’u cynrychioli’n ddigonol o fewn ein sefydliad.

Os hoffech ymgymryd â’r broses ymgeisio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, ewch i’n gwefan Cymraeg. Rydym yn annog unigolion i gyflwyno ceisiadau Cymraeg gan ein bod yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd darparu gwasanaethau Cymraeg a’r angen i ehangu gweithlu dwyieithog.

Mae Coleg Gwyr Abertawe yn ymrwymedig i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo lles pobl ifanc ac rydym yn disgwyl i bob aelod o staff gydymffurfio â’r ymrwymiad hwn. Bydd gofyn i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus ymgymryd â gwiriad DBS manylach a chofrestru gyda Chyngor Gweithlu Addysg Cymru.

Rydym yn disgwyl nifer fawr o ymgeiswyr ar gyfer y swydd wag hon. Os derbynnir llawer o geisiadau, efallai y byddwn yn atal unigolion rhag cyflwyno cais cyn y dyddiad penodedig. Awgrymir felly ichi gyflwyno’ch cais yn gynnar.

Attachments: HealthSafetyandEnvironment…

