Research Fellow (107844-0224) at University of Warwick

March 1, 2024

Job Description

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research associate to work as part of a team under the supervision of Martin Lotz in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Warwick. The project will also be co-supervised by co-PIs Mihai Cucuringu from the University of Oxford and Giovanni Colavizza from the University of Bologna.

The project will start in April 2024 and end in March 2025. We are open to remote work.

This project continues an exciting collaboration with The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute of data science and artificial intelligence, and is in collaboration with GCHQ. It will build on existing research in graph representation learning and focus on its application to the problem of anomaly detection in financial transaction graphs. Methodology research goals will include improving the scalability of the graph representation learning pipeline, eg as one increases the embedding dimension. You will have the opportunity to work alongside a Turing research software engineer for six months to publish high quality reusable data sets and code alongside the research.

In this role, you will also help lead the research group and work with them to generate new research ideas. You will have the opportunity to develop your written communication skills through regular interactions with non-academic collaborators, the preparation of research results for publication, and your oral skills through dissemination of your work at internal and external seminars/conferences.

For informal enquiries, please contact Martin Lotz via email:

Full details of the duties and selection criteria for this role can be found in the vacancy advert on the University of Warwick’s jobs pages. You will be routed to this when you click on the Apply button.
