Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Pedagogy at New Uzbekistan University

April 11, 2024

Job Description

Contract term:

An initial contract may be given for up to three years and can be extended based on successful performance.

Paid vacation (per year):

56 calendar days based on the academic calendar approved by the Employer. The full annual paid leave during the first year is granted in case the Employee has worked the full year, otherwise, the duration of annual paid leave is calculated proportionately to the worked period.

Description of University

New Uzbekistan University (NewUU) is Uzbekistan’s first comprehensive research university where research and education are integrated. Located at the heart of greater Central Asia, we are building the nation’s first autonomous institution as the country embarks to conclude its first decade of political and market economy reforms. In a long road ahead of making lasting transformations, the country aims to have its first globally ranked institution among the 1000 best universities in the world by 2030.  

NewUU aims to become Central Asia’s premier university through an official partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Jameel Abdul Latif-World Education Lab (J-WEL) and Technical University of Munich (TUM) International. The Honorary President of NewUU is Professor Wolfgang Hermann, TUM’s president emeritus – one of the world’s leaders in higher education management and academic research.

There are four schools, one center, and twelve departments within the institution: 

  • School of Engineering with three departments: Mechanical Engineering, Chemical & Material Science Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering;
  • School of Computing with two departments: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence;
  • School of Humanities & Natural Sciences with three departments: Economics, Mathematics, Education and Pedagogy.
  • School of Management with two departments: Industrial Management, Business Administration;
  • Academic Excellence Center with two departments: English, General Education


  • Ph.D. degree from a reputed University in Pedagogy or a closely related field;
  • Teaching and research experience for the:
    • Full-time Professor rank, ideally at least 10 years;
    • Associate Professor rank, ideally at least 5 years;
    • Assistant Professor rank, ideally at least 1 year;
  • International track record of research and professional achievements;
  • Excellent record in teaching/overseeing undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. programs

About Pedagogy Department

Pedagogy department is the nucleus of educational innovation, research, and professional development within an institution. Its primary mission is to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes through various means. This includes curriculum development, instructional design, and teacher training programs aimed at fostering innovative teaching methodologies. Pedagogy experts delve into educational psychology to understand the underlying principles of learning and motivation, crucial for effective teaching. Furthermore, the department focuses on inclusive education, ensuring that diverse learners’ needs are accommodated and equity is promoted.

Collaboration and partnerships with other academic departments and community organizations are also essential for sharing resources and expertise. Technology integration is a key area of focus, with the department exploring ways to effectively incorporate digital tools and online resources into teaching and learning. Continuous improvement through ongoing reflection, assessment, and adaptation is fundamental to the department’s ethos, ensuring its programs and initiatives remain responsive to evolving educational needs and challenges.

Teaching duties:

  • Full-time faculty members are required to teach up to 12 hours per week;
  • At NUU Engineering School, lectures are accompanied by hands-on tutorial sessions to allow students to try out lecture content during the tutorials or labs. It is necessary to conduct and coordinate tutorial sessions.
  • Develop the course syllabus and elaborate its integration with other courses;
  • Prepare the lecture materials including short lecture notes for the tutorial sessions so that students can accomplish assignments by following the step-by-step instructions;
  • The subject(s) to teach will be decided after discussion before starting the new semester;
  • Engage with other faculty members in the development of teaching, learning, and assessment strategies.
  • Submit all necessary reports, such as Assessment Plan of Course Learning Outcomes, Continuous Quality Improvement Report, and others which are necessary for the Accreditation of our Programs by international reputable organizations 

Research and Academic Collaboration

  • All professors are highly encouraged to conduct research in the fields of their interests and collaborate with their colleagues within and outside the University;
  • All professors are required to publish 2 (two) research papers every calendar year in a journal that Web of Science or SCOPUS indexes;
  • Active participation in the attraction of funds from sources of financing of innovation and research activities;
  • Participation in regular faculty seminars organized by the department and school.
  • Participation in international conferences is encouraged.
