Professor in Climate Risk Management at Technical University of Denmark

Job Description

DTU invites applications for a position as a full professor in Climate Risk Management. The professorship is affiliated with DTU’s Department of Technology, Management and Economics (DTU Management) in the Division for Climate and Energy Policy. The position is a full-time position. The expected start date is during the fall of 2024, but we are flexible on the start date. 

The division is an interdisciplinary research unit that carries out research on climate resilience, adaptation, and mitigation pathways. The division gathers expertise from economics, ecosystem modelling, and data science. We offer an excellent research environment with international staff, postdocs, and PhD students. 

Our research within climate risk management aims to facilitate climate-resilient decision-making. The objective is to promote sustainable development by reducing damages and optimizing benefits across population groups, regions and sectors that are potentially affected by the changing climate. 

Climate risk management requires approaches from several scientific disciplines as loss and damage vary across natural surroundings and societal frameworks. The consequences are manifold and drive financial risks like credit, market, insurance, and liquidity risks. 

We apply integrated risk management of multi-hazards, the compound effects of extreme events (e.g., flooding, heat waves, wildfires, drought, storm surges and elevated water levels), and their consequences on land use and ecosystems. 

Within this area, the position is offered to candidates with a focus on: 

  • Climate Modelling: Estimating the likelihood and distribution of climate risks through statistical models and projections. 

and/or a focus on: 

  • Climate Economics: Estimating social and economic impacts related to climate change and evaluating adaptation and mitigation solutions. 

Responsibilities and qualifications

Climate modelling and climate economics are seen as key contributions when identifying climate mitigation and adaptation policies and regulations that tackle the short- and long run impacts of climate change, taking uncertainties and risks into account. Therefore, candidates with documented interdisciplinary experience will be given priority. 

We expect the candidate to exhibit academic leadership, to attract grants, and to build a fruitful environment based on the professorship. 

You are expected to take a lead role in teaching at the BEng, BSc, MSc and PhD levels. 

You will bring the following: 

  • Strong expertise in climate modelling and/or climate economics
  • Developed new theories or methods within your research field
  • An ambition to push boundaries and identify future research agendas
  • Experience with teaching university courses at various levels
  • Motivating colleagues, peers, and students to give their best and support them in realizing their visions
  • A solid international stakeholder network within and beyond academia 

DTU employs two working languages: Danish and English. You are expected to be fluent in at least one of these languages, and in time are expected to master both. 

Further information

Further information may be obtained from Head of Department Mette Wier, tel.: +45 6060 5566 or Head of Division in Climate and Energy Policy Signe Krarup, tel.: +45 2119 4893. 

If you are applying from abroad, you may find useful information on working in Denmark and at DTU at DTU – Moving to Denmark.

Application procedure

To apply, please read the full job advertisement, by clicking the ‘Apply’ button
