Research Fellow (Early Stage Researcher) (108811-0224) at University of Warwick

Job Description

About the Role 

Full-time fixed term post is available until 31st December 2027.

You will undertake research on the EU Horizon funded project ERAMET (Ecosystem for rapid adoption of modelling and simulation METhods to address regulatory needs in the development of orphan and paediatric medicines).

You will assist the Principal Investigator and Work Package Lead at the University of Warwick and project partners in the successful execution of the project.

ERAMET’s vison is that the necessary questions in drug development are explicitly stated together with how these relate to the data available and related analytical methods that can be applied in order to contribute to the overall benefit/risk (B/R) analysis.

The overall objective of the ERAMET project is to provide and implement a framework for development and establishing the credibility (assessment) of mature modelling and simulation to address regulatory needs in the development of orphan and paediatric medicines.

The project will employ a range of novel fundamental research approaches, including mechanistic and data-driven (machine learning/artificial intelligence) modelling of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic systems applied to paediatric medicines, as well as a combination of both, allied to system identifiability and uncertainty quantification.

About You

You will undertake independent and collaborative research and will be expected to write up your research for publication.

You will be expected to deal with any relevant research management/administration problems that may arise from the project and produce and present regular project reports ensuring that the project objectives and deadlines are met.

You will have a PhD in a relevant discipline (Mathematical/Systems modelling, ideally in PKPD or QSP modelling, Data Analytics with applications of Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence), with a strong A levels (or equivalent) in relevant subject areas. You will have excellent verbal and written communication skills, time management and IT skills. You will possess quantitative and qualitative research skills in mathematical modelling and data analytics. The ability to code in Matlab/R or use of relevant PKPD modelling software tools is required.

For further information regarding the skills required for this role please see the personal specification section of the attached job description.

If you are near submission or have recently submitted your PhD but have not yet had it conferred, any offers of employment will be made as Research Assistant at the top of level 5 of the University grade structure. Upon receipt of evidence of the successful award of your PhD, you will be promoted to Research Fellow on the first point of level 6 of the University grade structure.

Full details of the duties and selection criteria for this role can be found in the vacancy advert on the University of Warwick’s jobs pages. You will be routed to this when you click on the Apply button.
