Horizon Europe Guarantee MSCA Doctoral Network Researcher

February 12, 2024

Job Description

A position is available for a period of 36 months, tenable at Oxford University, on a project in the field of experimental physical chemistry of liquids and electrolyte solutions. The successful candidate will be registered for PhD training while employed by the University as part of the UKRI Guarantee Doctoral Networks-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant (“FLUXIONIC: Controlled transport of water and ions in nanoconfinement” doctoral network).

Water and ions in confined geometry arise in a vast range of natural phenomena, from the salt organs of marine animals to the biomineralizing environments where shells, teeth, cytoskeletons are formed. The electrolyte solutions involved in these processes are typically at high concentration and are highly complex, involving multiple ionic and non-ionic ingredients: atomic or molecular ions, polar and zwitterionic molecules (e.g. amino acids), and polymers/polyelectrolytes. These co-solutes can be crucial in determining the outcome of a process, e.g. the polymorphs resulting from mineralisation. In this project you will study the influence of ‘spectator’ ions and polymers on structure and interactions in electrolyte solutions confined to thin films, and their effect on mineralisation from supersaturated solutions in confinement. This role includes experimental and theoretical study of aqueous solutions at interfaces and in thin films using a surface force balance (SFB) within the research team of Susan Perkin, and will be based in the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford.

The successful applicant will also become a member of the UKRI Guarantee Doctoral Networks “FLUXIONIC”, funded from 2024-2028 by a UKRI Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant.  They will become part of a Europe-wide network of students and investigators all working on projects related to Controlled transport of water and ions in nanoconfinement. Annual scientific meetings and training events will be included in the network’s activities.  Furthermore, the successful applicant will have the opportunity to carry out a secondment at another laboratory (“node”) of the network during the 36 month project.  The fellow will be registered DPhil student of the university and also employed as a worker.

The total amount of funding allocated by UKRI to the benefit of the fellow is equivalent to £39,972.91 pa . Actual salary will depend on employer deductions, personal circumstances and the exchange rate applicable to the fellowship. This amount includes an annual living allowance and a mobility allowance (to cover the expenses associated with working in a different country). Under the terms of the UKRI funding, which aims to promote mobility within the research community, to be eligible for the post you:

  • Must not have been resident in the UK for more than a total of 12 months in the past three years.
  • Must not already have obtained a doctorate or had more than 4 years full time research experience

The start date is subject to discussion; the latest possible date is 1st October 2024.

An application should include a CV, a letter describing how you meet the criteria for the post (see further particulars), together with the names and contact details of two referees.
