Chemically Modified Therapeutic Nucleic Acids for Neurological Diseases at University of Southampton

April 13, 2024

Job Description

Supervisory Team: Afaf El-Sagheer and Matthias Baud

Project description

Therapeutic oligonucleotides are unique in targeting mRNA particularly those that cannot be addressed by conventional small molecule drugs or therapeutic antibodies, their potential is growing fast. The development and application of Therapeutic Nucleic Acids, in a general, have been drawing the interest of several biotech companies and the future potential has been established recently with mRNA vaccine research team winning the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine. More than eighteen nucleic acid therapeutics have been approved for treatment of various diseases including neurological diseases.

Nonetheless, the main limitation in the therapeutic application of nucleic acids is represented by the hurdle in achieving specific and efficient intracellular delivery. Despite various strategies being developed, tissue specific delivery is yet far from being solved.

We will synthesise and investigate different chemical modification and the output of the project will represent a critical leap forward in modified nucleic acids to improve their stability and efficacy in cells and enhance their delivery with enormous impact for different neurological diseases.

The successful candidate will join a dynamic and enthusiastic group at the School of Chemistry in Southampton to work on a challenging project at the interface of chemistry and biology. The student will benefit from the outstanding facilities and vibrant environment provided by the department which has a national and international reputation for excellence with world-leading facilities. Their objective will be synthesis of modified monomers, incorporate them in modified nucleic acids and investigate their biophysical and biological properties. The project will be supervised by Dr Afaf El-Sagheer and the student will have the chance to visit collaborator’s labs for cell-based assays in Southampton and Oxford.

Experimental skills and knowledge in synthetic organic chemistry is required. However, the multidisciplinary nature of this project will give the opportunity for the student to acquire knowledge and skills in other relevant disciplines. Those include solid phase oligonucleotide synthesis, biophysical/biochemical assays (e.g. UV, florescence, machine learning and cell biology), structural techniques (e.g. X-ray crystallography). Knowledge of these complementary areas is desirable, but not essential.

Entry Requirements

A very good undergraduate degree in organic chemistry or relevant disciplines. (at least a UK 2:1 honours degree , or its international equivalent).

Closing date: 31 August 2024.  Applications will be considered in the order that they are received, the position will be considered filled when a suitable candidate has been identified.

Funding: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships.  For more information please visit PhD Scholarships | Doctoral College | University of Southampton  Funding will be awarded on a rolling basis, so apply early for the best opportunity to be considered.

How To Apply

Apply via the ‘Apply’ button. Select programme type (Research), 2024/25, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, next page select “PhD Chemistry (Full time)”. In Section 2 of the application form you should insert the name of the supervisor Afaf El-Sagheer

Applications should include:

Research Proposal

Curriculum Vitae

Two reference letters

Degree Transcripts/Certificates to date

For further information please contact:
